Sunday, January 30, 2011

The Excitement Sets In

Well, I have to say that up until this part of the pregnancy while I have done my best at lifting my fear to God, their were a lot of nerves involved. I have always been thankful for this little life inside me and looked forward to the possibilities. However, with the complications I thought were at hand I was very nervous. 
God gave me an amazing gift last week. I found out that the complications that were diagnosed were never actually there. They were all a beautiful mistake. The hemotoma that I do have has all but disappeared. This pregnancy is no longer considered high risk. I can breath. 
Little miss also started moving on a pretty regular basis. Which is a joy in itself.I can't wait for the day that I can hold both my beautiful girls in my arms. The 2 combined have calmed my nerves. God is letting me know that no matter what, everything will be alright.  That their will be a rainbow in this storm.


Unknown said...

May that rainbow be bright!!!

Hannah Rose said...

So glad everything is alright! Just came across your blog. Cute design. So sorry for the loss of your precious son. Look forward to following your journey. Blessings, Hannah Rose

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